Saturday, November 1, 2008

Who would you like to see run for President?

For the first time in a very long time, it seems American voters have candidates worth voting for. Although my highly liberal views make voting for an Obama a no-brainer, I have/had a lot of respect for John McCain. All politicians are tainted by the hypocrisy of their profession, but these two men seem to have a genuine concern for the well being of their country. If McCain hadn't drifted so far right during the Bush Administration, or conducted such a foul campaign I would have had a much tougher time making my decision.

That being said, who are some people that you think would make excellent presidential candidates? Sure they probably wouldn't ever run, but we can dream... (or laugh).

My Pick:
Bill Gates - (Windows XP Bill, not Vista Bill) - In all honesty, I don't think there is a more brilliant man than Bill Gates. His philanthropic activities seem genuinely rooted in a desire to make the world a better place. While he has no experience in the political realm, I earnestly think that his ability to reason, coupled with his ability to strike alliances and make compromises would make him a competitive candidate. Plus, the role of an executive demands not only the ability to make decisions, but to surround yourself with the most honest and credible people around. Gates/Jobs 2012!

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