Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Shapeshifting Skyscraper in Miami's Skyline?

A PR flak in New York left a cryptic voicemail on Riptide's machine late last week: Florence-based superstar architect David Fisher is planning a "major press conference" in Miami on Tuesday, she said, to announce plans for a project here.

The mysterious news is even more intriguing given the project Fisher's been shilling in a few other major cities for the past year: an insane-looking rotating skyscraper. Each floor in the building would spin independently, creating a constantly changing shape on the skyline.

Fisher told the New York Times a couple weeks ago that he's looking for a place in Manhattan to build a rotating tower. And he's supposedly breaking ground for another one in Dubai in a few weeks.

Could Miami be next? Has Fisher heard about the little condo bust that's left half-built towers packed with empty units up and down the bayfront?

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