Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Language ... and the tower of Babbel

Please bear with me, I'm just thinking out loud here.

Like most basically scientificly oriented people I've never taken much of the
Bible very seriously. But since studying the pyramids and ancient times there
have been many patterns emerge which relate to this work. Many of the pre-
cedents for the Bible obviously go back to ancient Egypt and the Pyramid Texts.
It's quite common for biblical texts and interpretation to show up when using
google to search ancient material. This connection seems especially strong for

There's a belief among many including much of the scientific community that
there was initially a single language and that this fractured in the distant past.

One of the most striking things about the Pyramid Texts is that there may be
an implication that the ancients used language much differently than we do to-
day. The meanings of the words we use are derived from context where their
words appear to have general meaning andf the specific one was apparent from

There are legends of inscription on pyramids. Perhaps this same applied to
the Tower of Babel. Perhaps when writing was invented the concept of mean-
ing being derived from context was invented and it was this that caused the
huge change in languages in different places. The "writing on the wall" was
an idea which couldn't be stopped. Jesus is the word.

Personally I have some doubt that there ever was a single human language
except for what the first speaker used. Language gets little respect and is con-
stantly evolving and being trod upon. It wouldn't make it 50' or 5 minutes be-
fore smoebody was abusing it and causing changes in it.

1 comment:

James E. Strickling, Jr. said...

Many Old Testament records are rejected only because they do not conform to modern experience or (useless) theories and philosophies. The Tower of Babel and the Confusion of Tongues is one of the most misunderstood accounts in the Old Testament. This misunderstanding leads to claims that the account is purely mythical. But this is not true. It was a real event. An objective reading of the biblical text (and modern clinical experiments) explain what really happened. God did not change the languages of man. Check out
